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MD Applicants

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  • User #15891

  • Application cycles: 2008
  • Demographics: Female, African
  • Home state: North Carolina
  • Brief Profile: Lots of research (4 programs, one of which I received $25,000 scholarship...I'm a UNCF-Merck Scholar). Lots of hospital volunteering growing up (300 at a public health dept and another 300 at my local hospital, then some at SMDEP at Howard shadowing doctors). Lots of community service (many of which I have been involved with for 2+ years...very important, I love to give back and I only dedicate to a max of 3 during the school year). My teachers love me...mentors and networking is VERY IMPORTANT.

    MCAT was a struggle. Took it twice. Was sick for the first one, and the second one I saw a passage that I had not seen before and freaked out, and unfortunately my score in that section reflected that.

    Advice: Study over the summer before you take it. Its hard to dedicate study time for the MCAT while worrying about biochemistry tests in school. Network everywhere you go. I met a lot of admission counselors at conferences.
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 2008

    • Undergraduate college: Spelman College
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Physical Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 500
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 129, C/P 125, CARS 122  
    • Overall GPA: 3.74
    • Science GPA: 3.67

    Summary of Application Experience

    Overall, an ok process. Most of my life, school has come easy to me, and this process definitely was an humbling experience. Never give up hope, I wear a neckless with that word engraved in it to remind me of just that everyday.

    Applied, Rejected

    Wake Forest University
    University of North Carolina
    Medical College of Georgia
    University of Utah

    Applied, Withdrew

    Meharry Medical College

    Application Complete

    Duke University
    Rush Medical College

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Georgetown University
    University of Washington

    Application Complete, Withdrew

    Medical University of South Carolina

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted

    Morehouse School of Medicine
    Howard University


    East Carolina University
    University of Wisconsin

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