Brief Profile:
2 years diabetes research with 400+ hours patient/physician contact ER volunteer for 100+ hours D.O. and M.D. shadowing 30+ hours 6 poster/paper presentations Graduate Assistantship Deans List several semesters
The usual undergrad stuff: Community service, honors societies, etc.
// Applications //
Application Cycle One: 2009
Undergraduate college: Ball State University
Undergraduate Area of study: Psychology/Social Sciences
Institution: Ball State University
Area of Study: Psychology/Social Sciences
Degree Obtained: M.A.
Total MCAT SCORE: 500
MCAT Section Scores:
B/B 124,
C/P 124,
CARS 127
Overall GPA: 3.20
Science GPA: 3.30
Summary of Application Experience
10/28/08 - Starting the process early. Let\'s get the ball rollin\'! 1/14/09 - MCAT studying, using old notes, Examkrackers, and AAMC stuff. 5/26/09 - Updated MDapps. Am waiting to get verified by AACOMAS. July 2nd MCAT date. 6/3/09 - AACOMAS under review for verification. They have my money, transcripts, and application. Step one done! 6/28/09 - AACOMAS verified. 7/1/09 - AACOMAS released to schools 7/2/09 - Took MCAT. Waiting for scores. Just want about a 20. 7/6/09 - Received secondaries from LECOMs, MWUs, ATSUs, NSU-COM, LMU-DCOM. Touro said it will be out in late July, and RVU is waiting for my MCAT. Still waiting to hear from 6 schools. 7/9/09 - Received PCSOM and MSU-COM secondaries 7/14/09 - WVSOM is waiting for MCAT. Sent in secondaries for PCSOM, LMU-DCOM, and NOVA. 7/15/09 - Sent in LECOM-E and -B secondaries 7/18/09 - DMU secondary received 7/20/09 - AZCOM and CCOM secondaries sent, PCOM secondary received 7/29/09 - Complete at PCSOM, sent in LORs for 8 schools. Going on hiatus till MCAT score comes out 8/4. Then its more decision and hopefully interview time. See you soon... Pray for me?
8/3/09 - MCAT scores released a day early!! 25!!! Not bad. Not great by any means, but I feel more confident about this cycle. Now to release and be complete... 8/5/09 - MCAT scores sent from AACOMAS, now all the schools have my scores. Should be hearing back from some soon. Received RVU\'s secondary since scores were released. 8/6/09 - LECOM-B says \'on hold for review in September\' it originally said till March. I almost shit. Phew. 8/7/09 - Got KCUMB\'s secondary. I officially received a secondary from every school I applied to. Will work on other schools secondaries and send the rest in when I get my financial aid check next Thursday. Hopefully I get some interviews between now and then. Time to start crossing fingers. 8/11/09 - Last secondary, TOURO-NV. Called NOVA, said I was under review. Fingers crossed for an interview. 8/14/09 - WVSOM under review, LECOM-B changed to \'under review,\' AZCOM complete. 8/17/09 - FIRST INTERVIEW INVITE! AZCOM on 9/18, first possible interview date. Lets do this! 8/29/09 - First rejection. RVU-COM. Boo-hoo. Complete at LECOM-E, LMU-DCOM, and ATSU-KCOM 8/31/09 - Placed on \"decision deferred\" at WVSOM 9/1/09 - Interview invite from LECOM-E on 10/2! 9/3/09 - Interview invite from LMU-DCOM on 10/13! 9/18/09 - Interview went well at AZCOM! Hope to hear from them soon. Just trying to keep focused. 9/26/09 - Rejected from ATSU-SOMA, Oh well. Keeping the letter. Going to hopefully burn it with first acceptance. 9/28/09 - Interview invite from PCSOM! That makes four!
10/2/09 - ACCEPTED TO AZCOM!! Found out through status check, Dean called me the next day to congratulate me. Party time this weekend. Also withdrew my app from LECOM-E, better fit for AZCOM. 10/5/09 - Touro NV interview invite. Not sure if I\'ll be attending 10/8/09 - Rejected from ATSU-KCOM, Waitlisted at a Carribean school - ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!? hahahahahaha 10/14/09 - Withdrew from Touro NV, and LMU-DCOM. Will still attend Pikeville interview. 11/4/09 - Pikeville was ok, AZCOM is still the most impressive school I have visit. I am holding out for CCOM or NOVA for an interview, but am pretty sure AZCOM is where I will be! 11/25/09 - Dropped my 1k to AZCOM. Time to start house shopping. Very excited to be starting the journey next year. I will add a summary here in a bit. Good luck to everyone this cycle!
Running Total $$$ MCAT $225 MCAT Study $114 AAMC Exams $106 AACOMAS Primary $580 - 16 schools Secondaries -
bcgans took the old MCAT and scored a 25 which is in the 49th percentile of all old scores.
We converted this to a 500 on the updated scale which is in the 50th percentile of the updated MCAT. We also converted bcgans’s section scores as follows:
bcgans scored a 8 on the Biological Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 124 on the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems.
bcgans scored a 7 on the Physical Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 124 on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems.
bcgans scored a 10 on the Verbal Reasoning section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 127 on the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills.