Brief Profile:
- Computer Sales full time job - Hobbies in computers/electronics, computer building/repairs, networking - HIV Clinical Research Part-time Job - Phi Delta Epsilon - Global Medical Brigades - Dean\'s List all quarters, except 1 - ADHD Research/community Service oriented childcare programs - Hospital Internship/volunteering; nursing, Peds, ER, NICU, ICU: ~400+ hrs @ 4hrs/week total (2 years+, I want to keep doing this as I apply through medical school) - Part-time tutoring for underprivileged children in Santa Ana - Did an ADHD Research project, presented findings at UCI Excellence - Triathlon + Will be shadowing Physicians during my 4th year/during the application process
// Applications //
Application Cycle One: 2009
Undergraduate college: University of California, Irvine (UCI)
Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
Total MCAT SCORE: 511
MCAT Section Scores:
B/B 127,
C/P 128,
CARS 127
Overall GPA: 3.77
Science GPA: 3.84
Summary of Application Experience
Comments, suggestions for schools to apply to are welcome and greatly appreciated.
08/05/08 - Started this thingymabobber. MCATs in 2 days! I felt I\'ve done the preparation and been doing fairly well on the AAMC tests (lowest score was a 30); I\'m planning to do parts of practice tests tonight and tomorrow, relax, and get some rest before I slay the dragon this Thursday.
08/14/08 - Waiting game for the MCAT... I\'ve been trying to keep myself busy with work and getting some exercise (hitting the beach, going camping with some of the fraternity people soon). I\'m really hoping I did okay and won\'t have to take that thing again. Fingers crossed!
09/09/08 - 12PM and scores are finally released... I\'m somewhat satisfied. Most likely not going to retake, hope it\'s competitive for California schools. I\'m a little disappointed in Bio (averaged 11-13\'s on AAMC\'s), but very surprised at the writing score! I was having a few nightmares this past month that I might\'ve written something to offend someone and gotten a low score... should I retake?
09/18/08 - Pretty much set on not retaking now and to continue on LOR\'s and EC\'s, try to keep a competitive GPA this year as well.
03/29/09 - Quick update to profile. Going to work on LOR\'s this quarter. Was able to bump up GPA from 3.7 --> 3.75 these past 2 quarters. Also finishing up research analyses and preparing for Honduras again.
Applied, Withdrew
University of California, Irvine
Applying for combined PhD/MSTP? No
Submitted: Yes
Secondary Completed: No
Interview Invite: No
Interview Attended: No
Waitlisted: No
Accepted: No
Rejected: No
Summary of Experience:
Did not complete secondary (stupid me, I let it sit in my inbox beyond the 1 month period).
Summary of Experience:
My first interview... great facilities, great students, great teaching staff. I was very nervous about it, and the anxiety leading up to this killed me. Here\'s to hoping for an acceptance from the wait list.
User #11238 took the old MCAT and scored a 31 which is in the 83th percentile of all old scores.
We converted this to a 511 on the updated scale which is in the 85th percentile of the updated MCAT. We also converted User #11238’s section scores as follows:
User #11238 scored a 10 on the Biological Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 127 on the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems.
User #11238 scored a 11 on the Physical Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 128 on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems.
User #11238 scored a 10 on the Verbal Reasoning section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 127 on the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills.