Brief Profile:
Service Organizations Shadowing-Two Oncologist in Lubbock~20 hours Clincal Volunteering-Burn Clinic and Cancer Clinic~80 hours Research-same lab since June 2007-no papers but one review in the works and poster presenation Senior Honor Thesis Triathlon Runner
// Applications //
Application Cycle One: 2008
Undergraduate college: Texas Tech University
Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
Total MCAT SCORE: 513
MCAT Section Scores:
B/B 129,
C/P 127,
CARS 129
Overall GPA: 4.00
Science GPA: 4.00
Summary of Application Experience
I will be applying for the MD/PHD program and just finished AMCAS. I will keep you posted on secondaries and interviews.
Summary of schools: 20 schools total (all MD/PhD), 10 MSTP programs, 10 non-MSTP MD/PhD, and 6 Texas schools.
5/27/08-Took MCAT
6/26/08-Received score-32P. Thought I could do better but I'm ok with this score.
Submitted AMCAS 7/16/08
Received Kansas Secondary 7/17/08. Yay first one!
Received Yale Secondary 7/18/08. Looks like a tough one.
Sumbitted TMSDAS application finally 7/29/08. Using this application to apply to Texas Tech and UT San Antonio. I like Texas what can I say. Also, needed to submit this for MD only apps for UT Southwestern, UT Galveston, and UT Houston.
Submitted Kansas Secondary 8/4/08 ($50). First one in!
AMCAS Verified 8/7/08. Finally.
Submitted West Virginia Secondary 8/8/08
Received Invitation to Duke and Ohio State Secondaries 8/8/08
Received Email from UT Galveston (no secondary. Decided to apply to both UT Galveston and UT Austin programs. 8/8/08
Submitted Baylor Secondary ($80) 8/10/08
Received and Submitted South Carolina Secondary ($75) 8/11/08
Received Miami, Iowa, and Mount Sinai Secondary 8/12/08
Received Louisville Secondary 8/13/08
Submitted Ohio St Secondary ($60) 8/17/08
Submitted Yale ($85) and Mount Sinai Secondary ($105) 8/27/08
User #10844 took the old MCAT and scored a 32 which is in the 88th percentile of all old scores.
We converted this to a 513 on the updated scale which is in the 89th percentile of the updated MCAT. We also converted User #10844’s section scores as follows:
User #10844 scored a 11 on the Biological Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 129 on the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems.
User #10844 scored a 10 on the Physical Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 127 on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems.
User #10844 scored a 11 on the Verbal Reasoning section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 129 on the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills.