Brief Profile:
-Took the MCAT twice: got a 26 on my first attempt, then raised it to a 31 on the second try -Received dual-degrees in Psychology and Nutrition -President of the gymnastics team, VP of AMSA senior year (with other leadership positions other years) -Research for 3 years w/ 2 poster presentations: psychology research, not basic science. -200+ volunteer hours-hospital and other various activities -Shadowed 3 different types of doctors:100+ hours total -Tutored 1st graders in math -Various scholarships, honor societies, awards: phi beta kappa, summa cum laude, dean\'s list every semester, dean\'s schoarship -Worked as an RA sophomore year -Worked a few hours a week at school as a gymnastics coach for kids; worked full time as a waitress when home on breaks -Took a year off and worked as a nanny
// Applications //
Application Cycle One: 2009
Undergraduate college: Virginia Tech
Total MCAT SCORE: 511
MCAT Section Scores:
B/B 127,
C/P 127,
CARS 129
Overall GPA: 3.93
Science GPA: 3.87
Summary of Application Experience
Advice for applicants:
Before applying: -MCAT: Don\'t take it until you\'re ready and scoring what you want on practice tests! You do not want to take it twice. Also, this is not a test you can procrastinate for, even if that\'s how you\'re use to studying in undergrad-prepare to study 10-20 hours/week for at least 2-3 months in order to get it all down. -APPLY EARLY!!!! Have everything ready to go-LOR\'s, transcripts, etc well before June, then submit AMCAS in early June and submit secondaries as soon as they\'re available. It makes a huge difference in receiving interview invites and acceptances,
While Applying: -Don\'t worry if you don\'t get interview invites right away-try not to let SDN drive you crazy when others seems to be getting invites and you\'re still waiting. -Try not to analyze why you didn\'t get an intervew or got waitlisted/rejected from particular schools-it\'ll make you nuts! Sometimes you just need to accept that this process is random and at times makes no sense. -Letters of interest and letters of intent really help, especially at certain schools. If you\'re waitlisted and really want to go somewhere, keep in touch every month or two. Try to be hopeful yet realistic about your chances at the same time.
My application season: Key Dates (If you\'re interested in a specific school: click on the arrows, all dates are accurate): -6/11: Submitted AMCAS to 25 schools -June-Aug: Submitted secondaries to 23 schools, tried to do them asap after receivng them -8/12: First inteview invite! Wake Forest -Received 13 invites total from August-Dec, declined 3 of them -Went on 10 interviews from Sept-January -10/26: First acceptance!!! Penn State -11/24: Second Acceptance!!! EVMS -Early May: Withdrew from all waitlists except Georgetown and Dartmouth -5/19: Accepted to Georgetown!!!! SO excited:D
Summary of Experience:
i love nyc! decent school, good tuition, crappy part of brooklyn though...good chance i\'d go here if accepted. hold for spring consideration-3/5...rejected 5/2
Summary of Experience:
really liked the school-beautiful new building, good curriculum, students seem happy...decided i\'d rather go to penn state and withdrew
Summary of Experience:
might have been a good fit based on location and curriculum. students here seemed really happy...decided it wasn\'t for me though-withdrew from waitlist
Summary of Experience:
good school, not sure if it\'s the right fit for me though. location has pros and con-close to manhattan but the area it\'s actually in seems isolated.
Summary of Experience:
great school! might be worth suffering in the cold for 4 years...decided to withdraw after revisiting penn state and feeling like it was a better fit for me than here
Summary of Experience:
accepted!!!=) love the area, school and pediatric hospital and can definitely see myself here! realized at 2nd look that it wasn\'t for me-love the location but the curriculum isn\'t a good fit (seperate classes w tests every week, no systems learning)
Summary of Experience:
1st acceptance yay!!!!:-D loved it here at 2nd look-awesome curriculum, amazing international opportunities, very happy students. Hershey has a lot more to offer than people think too.
User #10478 took the old MCAT and scored a 31 which is in the 83th percentile of all old scores.
We converted this to a 511 on the updated scale which is in the 85th percentile of the updated MCAT. We also converted User #10478’s section scores as follows:
User #10478 scored a 10 on the Biological Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 127 on the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems.
User #10478 scored a 10 on the Physical Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 127 on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems.
User #10478 scored a 11 on the Verbal Reasoning section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 129 on the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills.