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MD Applicants

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  • User #3936

  • Application cycles: 2005
  • Demographics: Female,
  • Home state: Colorado
  • Brief Profile: Hospital volunteer, professor of medical anthropology, mom, triathlete, jazz singer--I am willing to try anything!

    Organized and moderated an invited session, 'Anthropology of the Body in Europe' for the American Anthropological Association annual meetings. Papers were published.

    Recently worked with a rural HIV/AIDS needs assessment project in Colorado. So interesting to see the differential access to quality care in rural populations, especially for the elderly and those with chronic condidtions.

    Also, currently working on a article for publication comparing the postmodern movements in Physics and Anthropology. Hmmm.....Would help, if I knew more physics....

    Received numerous awards as an undergraduate and grad student in anthropology.

    Medical anthropology professor whose research was studying eating disorders in Milan, Italy.
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 2005

    • Undergraduate college: Southern Illinois University
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Psychology/Social Sciences
    • Institution: Southern Illinois University
    • Area of Study: Psychology/Social Sciences
    • Degree Obtained: MA
    • Institution: Southern Methodist University
    • Area of Study: Psychology/Social Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 505
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 127, C/P 125, CARS 127  
    • Overall GPA: 3.70
    • Science GPA: 3.64

    Summary of Application Experience

    8/2/05 - application reviewed and sent to my med schools (yikes!)
    8/2/05 - thick skin applied
    8/3/05 - started getting secondaries
    9/1/05 - just got an email today from Iowa offering me an interview! I am too excited to think about anything else!
    9/22/05 - sent off my last secondaries. Damn that's a long process. I thought it would be more standardized, but every school wanted different essays, different facets of my personality.
    10/3/05 - First interview at Iowa today. I think it went well. Their format is a bit strange (see for specifics), but my interviewers were very friendly. I am so excited and anxious.
    10/14/05 - Just received my August MCAT scores (2nd timer) and was pleased to see the 10 in Bio. Let's hope some of these schools look at the improvement and offer me an interview! This process is all-consuming. It is all I think about. I can't wait until it's over.
    10/20/05 - Still no word from any schools. This is the most grueling process in which I have ever participated. I heard on SDN that Iowa's Adcom met on Monday and sent letters off. Please let me have a thick envelope in that batch.
    11/9/05 - Just as I was ready to sink in a cesspool of self-pity I received an interview invite from Creighton! Omaha, here I come!
    11/18/05 - I cannot believe it! I am without any belief! I got in to IOWA!! I am going to be a doctor!!
    11/21/05 - rejected from RFU via phone today. Feels okay, knowing I am going to go somewhere next year and it also shows how arbitrary this process is. However, I now await the deluge of rejections. I can fake a few schools of my mediocrity, but they can't all be suckers!
    11/21/05 (p.m.)-sending off the $50 to secure my spot at Iowa. It gets applied to your fall semester tuition. That makes me giggle: like you would ever notice $50 out of $40k! What don't you just throw in a company Corolla while you're at it. I won't notice!
    12/2/05 (am) - still kindof bummed that CU hasn't called on the red phone with an open interview slot. I guess I need to free my mind of the belief that those in state are entitled to an interview. Certainly not the case. I am under review right now at Loyola, but other than that it has been crickets from all other schools.
    12/12/05 - Great news from Iowa this Saturday. I was offered a scholarship for half my tuition! Yippie! Only half the debt! My Creighton interview went well and I should hear from them by the end of the month/year. Merry frickin' Christmas!
    12/16/05 - This has been a great week. I got an interview invite from Vermont today! The interview is not until February, but I really can't wait to go. L-O-V-E Burlington! Still no word from Colorado, Pritzker, UIC or Rush. Why did I apply to those last two schools? i am no longer an Illinois resident. Just dreamin' I guess.
    1/2/06 - Happy New Year everybody! Just a quick update. I decided to withdraw my app from Vermont yesterday. I love Burlington, but when I called financial aid, they said there were no scholarships for OOS students and no chance of gaining residency. Iowa has given me a scholarship so there is no way I could turn that down. Hope one of the cool folks waiting for Vermont on SDN gets my slot. I will be calling the Chicago schools sans Loyola (only Thursdays) to get an update. Bracing myself for bad news....always the optomist!
    1/3/06 - Creighton acceptance today! Such great news. Called Chicago today and was told that my file is still out and about and I should hear something in a few weeks. Who cares today?? I will be neurotic again tomorrow.
    1/6/06 - For some insane reason, I am totally freaking out today. No word from Colorado as of today. Why? Here is the worse-case-scenario which I, of course, am preparing for: Colorado does NOT reject me and asks me for an interview at the end of March; i interview for a waitlisted spot; I get waitlisted; my family and I rent our house, pack everything up and get ready to move to Iowa; the DAY OF OUR MOVE Colorado calls and takes me off the waitlist. Crap. It makes me sick to think about.
    1/17/06 - Disregard the above post. I just got the call from Colorado and I am sooo excited!! I think it is my first open-file interview. I better grow a layer of tough skin!
    2/19/06 - I will be heading home in a few weeks for my first Chicago interview! I think it's a long shot, but it will be great to see family and friends.
    3/13/06 - Well, in about a week I will have a better idea of my fate. I should find out if I am admitted to Colorado. After my awful interview at Rush, I don't have high hopes there and since they aren't returning my email, I can take the hint. Still, while I am nervous abou tthe CU acceptance, it is nice to know that I still have a wonderful med school to go to (Iowa).
    3/20/06 - When I started the process of preparing to go to medical school (taking pre-reqs). I never knew how difficult it was to get in. I just assumed that I would take classes, do well, do well onthe MCAT and get into Colorado. It wasn't until I started applying that I realized that most people don't get their choice of schools and that getting in anywhere would be a real accomplishment. I abandoned my goal of getting into Colorado and revised my goal to be to get in ANYWHERE. That brings us to today: I just received my Colorado acceptance email this afternoon. Not only did I get into the school I had set my initial sights for, but I now have to choose between two very good schools.

    Applied, Withdrew

    University of Miami
    Drexel University
    Tulane University

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Loyola University Chicago
    Rosalind Franklin University
    University of Maryland
    University of Illinois
    Georgetown University
    George Washington University
    University of Chicago

    Application Complete, Withdrew

    Oregon Health & Science University

    Attended Interview, Rejected

    Rush Medical College

    Attended Interview, Withdrew

    University of Vermont


    University of Colorado
    Creighton University
    University of Iowa

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