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MD Applicants

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  • GonnaMakeIt

  • Application cycles: 07/10/2012
  • Demographics: Female, 38, African
  • Home state: Mississippi
  • Last Active: 08/03/2013

// Applications //

Application Cycle One: 07/10/2012

  • Undergraduate college: Somewhere in state
  • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
  • Total MCAT SCORE: 495
  • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 125, C/P 122, CARS 123  
  • Overall GPA: 3.56
  • Science GPA: 3.33

Summary of Application Experience

Secondary Received (SR); Application Transmitted (T); Secondary Complete (SC); Application Complete (C); Interview Invite (II); Interview Attended (IA); Withdrew (W); Accepted (A); Waitlisted (WL); Rejected (R)

>>The Commonwealth Medical College (TCMC): Submitted 9/10/12; SR: 9/10/12; SC 9/13/12; C: 9/25/12 sent for screening (Student Info System Status Update); R: 10/9/12 post-secondary

AMCAS Verified 8/17/12; AMCAS sgpa 3.32, 3.90 nsgpa, 3.50 cgpa
TMDSAS sgpa 3.35, 3.90 nsgpa, 3.51 cgpa
AACOMAS sgpa 3.44, 3.79 nsgpa, 3.59 cgpa

8/28/12: Excited that TMDSAS transmitted my application to schools after receiving payment 8/24/12. They are much faster than all the other applications; especially, if everything is in order. I submitted 8/15/12 and it is already processed.

9/5/12: I am depressed. My MCAT 22Q is not good. I studied intensely for 6 months out of a year (light 6 months) and I need help and a prep course is severely needed. I can't do it alone. Standardized tests do not play nice with me, but I will make them play nice. LOL!

9/7/12: I am disappointed in my score after all the work I put into it; however, I did make a leap from my initial try, so that is an accomplishment. I have decided to continue the application cycle since I have already invested into it. However, I am saving up to take a princeton review course early next year to prepare for my next MCAT and reapply because I am determined. I will keep my fingers crossed but I will prepare for Plan B!

9/21/12: AACOMAS finally verified! Now waiting for the release.


10/28/12: I've applied to my last 3 MD schools of the season. I used the school specific threads on SDN to get rid of 6+ schools based on screening or schools stating minimum cut-offs. I am happy with the last 3 I added and would definitely attend. I am trying to remain calm throughout this process because it is very long. Now, I can get back to completing DO secondaries & paying for fees since I will be getting paid again.

11/14/12: I was told the day before by the Adcom to check my e-mail after 4 pm for status update (i.e., hold, rejected, or accepted) and I checked it a couple times without any news. Around 4:29 pm CST, I saw the e-mail with subject: "Congratulations..." and I knew I was accepted. Of course I briefly skimmed e-mail and checked online status portal to make sure, and the portal reconfirmed what the e-mail said. I am officially on my way to become a doctor. Class of 2017 here I come. Everything I have worked for has culminated to this very moment. I cried a little the day after because I realized that I had pulled myself up by the bootstraps through all the adversity and MADE IT! I am very blessed and my path has been chosen by God!! This is the path he wants me to be on.l

11/18/12: Withdrew from several schools (2 MDs + all DOs). In the grand scheme of things, my state school is cheaper than these options, and it may be a better program (bias) compared to the others not considering costs.

12/10/12: Still waiting on invite/reject decisions from 14 schools (TX included) and UTMB's decision! I have decided to look for scholarships too, so that I can cut down on debt. I have enough undergrad debt already.

12/29/12: 2013 is fast approaching and I am waiting on 12 decisions to complete my application cycle and UTMB's decision. I am DOUBTFUL that I will hear anything from the remaining TX schools because they pretty much stopped interviewing/offering invites in December. Oh well...UTMB seems like a better school among my choices, but I may be bias :p. I'm surprised I haven't heard anything out some schools I have been complete at since Sept/Oct. This process is ANXIETY-PROVOKING whether you have an acceptance or not.

1/25/13: Received a pleasant surprise in the mail today. AWESOME A PARTIAL TUITION SCHOLARSHIP THAT COVERS SLIGHTLY MORE THAN 25% OF MY TUITION! OH YEAH. RAISE THE ROOF!!! There is a 5 year commitment which I am debating (I know y'all think I'm crazy) because I had different plans for my life but I'm thankful because it is FREE MONEY! I have a month to weight PROS AND CONS!

2/1/13: At this point, I have been rejected from all SUPER REACH schools and have received the nail to my heart--a waitlist from UTMB. At least it isn't a right out rejection but it doesn't change the feelings either way. I can stop worrying about trying to win them over at this point because they DO NOT ACCEPT UPDATE MATERIAL! It's out of my hands. Wherever GOD wants me that is where I will end up!

2/17/13: Scholarship Decision Deadline approaching. I need to make a choice. I am almost done deciding on it. Also, I have sent off my 2 apps for the external scholarships I applied for. Revisit Day invite coming up in March for Ole Miss Med Ctr. Also, Dr. Thomas was receptive to LOI to UTMB and told me to stay in touch with Mrs. Silva over the next few months as people withdraw. *Fingers crossed!!!*

3/17/13: I consider myself silently rejected from the following schools; although, I feel they want me to believe that I still have a chance: Howard, Morehouse, Wright, and Temple. In other news: I went ahead and accepted the partial tuition scholarship. The fiscal cliff and sequestration is very concerning, so I need to make some financially sound decisions. Good things are here today and gone tomorrow. Also, I didn't get the honor society scholarsip I applied for back in January, but I am waiting on the other external scholarship decision ($5000/yr x4).

8/3/13: Matriculating at U of Mississippi SOM. My scholarship was increased to over $10,000/yr. I didn't receive the other 2 external scholarships I applied for, but I will reapply.

Applied, Rejected

University of Illinois

Applied, Withdrew

Charles Drew University/UCLA
UMDNJ - Osteopathic Medicine
Chicago College of Mid. University
Oklahoma State University
Lake Erie College - Bradenton
Nova Southeastern University
Des Moines University
Philadelphia College - Philadelphia

Application Complete, Rejected

Meharry Medical College
Howard University
Morehouse School of Medicine
University of Texas, Houston
Long School of Medicine - University of Texas Health Sciences Center, San Antonio
Texas A & M University
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland Clinic Medical School
Johns Hopkins University
Rosalind Franklin University
Wright State University
University of Louisville
University of Rochester
University of Pittsburgh
University of Michigan
Virginia Commonwealth University
Albany Medical College
Temple University
New York Medical College

Application Complete, Withdrew

University of North Texas
University of Alabama
Michigan State University

Attended Interview, Waitlisted

University of Texas, Galveston


University of Mississippi

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